During graduate school, we each created a model expressing our values. The Leadership Triangle Model was my project.
The idea was a simple. The three sides of the triangle represented the values of the Leadership Triangle Model.
The triangle is great because this shape can be stretched into a variety of vastly different triangles as long as each of the angles of the triangle equal 180 degrees.
The triangle began to represent the life of a leader. The way leaders can be stretched and pulled into various directions…and yet if they remain guided by their values, they remain in integrity….like the triangle having its angles add up to 180 degrees in order to be defined as a triangle.
Courage, Curiosity, and Humility created the lines of the Leadership Triangle Model.
Courage to stand up and say what needs to be said. The courage to be wrong. The courage to be brave. The courage to make unpopular decisions. The courage to sit down, to be silent, to be misunderstood, to allow others to speak, to allow others to lead.
Curiosity to sustain resilience, relationships and connection. Often saying choosing curiosity over judgment, allows conversations to continue even when they become difficult. The magic of curiosity is it sustains resilience, inviting a beginner’s mind approach as opposed to an already knowing mindset.
Humility to accept there are many ways to get to the same place. The humility to ask questions, the humility to honor the pace of life (aka driving behind someone going 25 miles per hour and honoring that in that moment the pace of life is 25 miles per hour). The humility to learn from everyone. The humility to apologize and make amends. The humility to create space for people to process the way they do, contribute the way they can, and the humility to wait.
There were other components to this model…but the truth is I feel grateful. Gratitude for being asked to create something to guide my actions. An invitation to pause and reflect. It’s amazing what comes out of these sorts of invitations in life and how often the results leave a lasting impact. It was a gift.