Without a coach or a mentor learning to lead can be treacherous. Conversations gone wrong. Meetings run poorly. Messages misunderstood. Here are some resources I wish I had when I had entered into leadership.

Leadership Resources
When there is a lot at stake, managing anxiety is key.
Have you ever been nervous right before needing to present or perhaps you know you are about to have a challenging conversation. Well, here is a great video from Amy Cuddy about how our body language can support our mindset by decreasing our anxiety.
The American Psychological Association states there are three ways we manage anger; we suppress, express or calm ourselves down. As entrepreneurs and leaders, it is important for us to learn how manage our emotions, especially anger. Anger when unleashed can damage relationships. It also undermines the very thing we are committed to creating, psychological safety. We get good at what we practice and so it’s time to practice differently.

The Flourishing Leader Podcast
The Flourishing Leader Podcast has launched!
We are excited to announce that the first episode of The Flourishing Leader Podcast is available now! Join co-hosts Belinda Joseph-Pirame and Audrey Simmons as they share with listeners a little bit about their backgrounds.
In this episode, Belinda Joseph-Pirame shares her transformative journey from psychotherapist and coaching skeptic, to integrated executive coach. Followed by Audrey Simmons who discusses her unique path from nursing and healthcare leadership to becoming a leadership coach.
Join us on your favorite podcast platform today! And be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. Upcoming episodes of The Flourishing Leader Podcast will dive into conversations about personal and professional well-being.
Thank you for your support—it means the world to us!

ADHD Resources
For many clients being coached by someone who knows the ADHD journey is reassuring, to say the least. This dynamic truly allows you to really focus on doing the work in your coaching session as opposed to feeling like you may need to explain your process or how you think.
Coaching supports you by providing a held space for you to process, to reflect and be challenged to take the next best step.
- Super in a crisis
- Super creative
- Super intuitive
- Super starter
- Laser focus

Coaching Resources & Information
In its simplest form, coaching is about helping another person achieve their personal or professional goals. If you’re like most people, you probably envision an athletic coach when you hear the word “coach” but they are two very different relationships.
Coaching is about helping people make profound and lasting shifts in their lives by pushing
them to dig deeper so they can unlock their true potential.