We offer several online workshops, presentations and free introductory sessions periodically throughout the year. The purpose of these courses are to find skillsets and tools for self-reliance on managing stress, reducing anxiety and improved focus and calm.
Coaching Presentations
Audrey's Speaker Bio
Audrey Simmons is an award-winning educator and leadership coach who values service, excellence and connection. Delivering thought-provoking presentations, Audrey is able to connect with audiences, inviting them to reconsider their perspectives and strategies. Audrey is a leadership coach, who works with entrepreneurs and leaders to leverage their focus and prioritize what matters most at work and in life.
Audrey earned the following degrees from Regis University: a MBA, a Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Education, and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Audrey is board certified in Psychiatric Mental Health through the American Nurse Credentialing Center.
Audrey worked her way up from an entry-level position to earn her seat overseeing operations for service lines and standalone behavioral health hospitals. Additionally, having received extensive training and mentorship in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), Audrey incorporates mindfulness practices into her coaching sessions with clients.
Audrey is passionate about people, leadership, and successful businesses. Today, Audrey is the owner of Team of Greats, a coaching company dedicated to working with entrepreneurs and leaders. Team of Greats LLC is committed to the resilience of all entrepreneurs and leaders.
When not coaching, writing, reading or speaking, Audrey can be found hiking the trails of Nolde Forest, searching for golf balls with her husband in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, or snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains.
Our Presentations
Online 8-Week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Workshops
It is about being able to choose our responses rather than unconsciously reacting to events in our lives. This 8-week virtual course includes a one-day virtual retreat. Each class meets once a week. Click here for more information.
Humility in the Service of Excellence
Mindfulness as a Mindset
Mindfulness is the next leadership skill.