This idea of a future self is compelling to me. This idea that who I am being in the present moment will impact my future self. Sometimes my future self is grateful. Other times I can sense my future self is going to be ticked off at my present self for not going to bed on time.
There is a saying in french, “Ques tes habitudes te gardent”, it means “Your habits keep you”. It is our daily habits keeping us. Think about the alternative.
Living life based on how you feel, if you are in a good mood, good health, if the dog didn’t have an accident on the floor etc. Living Life based on this is really living a life based on excuses. More days than not you will find something not pleasing to you or your body. So on those days are you off the hook?
Okay, so establishing a new habit isn’t exactly the most pleasant experience either…until it is. Something happens when a habit is committed to for long enough. The moment where a habit becomes a returning home, a returning to self. There is a comfort in our habits which is why they then become hard to break.
This is when habits become magical, especially when they have been created with a specific intention. Perhaps the intention to be healthy, to be creative, to be more organized. It is then that indeed, “Ques tes habitudes te gardent”. They keep you heading in the direction of whatever it was inspiring you to change yourself.
And for those who have not been inspired in a while, it’s okay. Now you know how powerful your habits are, so now you can’t unknow the magic of them. You are on the hook. So create one habit today, just try it, like an experiment. Commit to progress, not perfection. Think about your future self, where your future self wants to be and then pick one non-negotiable habit.
It is the daily consistent action, the daily habit keeping you on the road to achievement or to cleaning out your closet. And regardless of your goal to make your life better, your future self will thank you.