Newly Promoted Leader
Avoid common mistakes made by newly promoted leaders.
There are benefits to the leader and to the team when a leader has vulnerability confidence.
Coaching is beneficial when it comes to addressing imposter syndrome, burnout, indecision around career opportunities, improving communication skills, improving self-leadership, and creating boundaries.
Getting stuck believing “there isn’t enough” has a high price tag, causing us to behave in ways that hinder our own success. This mentality triggers a stress response in our brains, preventing us from accessing our best selves. Stress responses can cause us to ruminate, become blind to alternative possibilities and lose perspective. We begin…
There is what people think leadership is, and then there is what leadership is. An aspect of leadership that often surprises us is the amount of repetition involved with casting a vision, communicating our values, and clarifying the strategic plan. We often find ourselves bored with our own message, longing to switch it up and…
It’s interesting to think about what makes canceling on ourselves so easy. These internal commitments we make to ourselves. Leaving on time, working out, eating differently, drinking more water…these small but life-changing agreements. Life-changing because, with consistency, these sorts of commitments improve the quality of our lives; literally, life-enhancing. And then there are the external…
We don’t celebrate our victories as often as we should, and because of this, we leave a lot of valuable information on the table. Many organizational cultures today tend to do deep dives into poor outcomes, which makes sense. We want to know how things went wrong and what we can do to change our…