Working in hospitals, in leadership roles and overseeing hospital operations for the last 20 years as a professional who was diagnosed with ADHD later in life, I was inspired to create a company where professionals can connect with a coach who understands how to listen, pause and reflect back, allowing a different perspective to emerge.
Being an entrepreneur and leader can feel like a 24/7 operation where your to-do list is constantly swirling around you and because of this, it can be challenging to set aside time to gain clarity, reflect, develop a strategy and cultivate the fortitude required in today’s world. Coaching provides this space.
A coaching session is a client talking with a coach about a situation the client wants to gain additional clarity around or momentum on. Coaching is what the coach does during the session. As a client is speaking, the coach is listening and then asking some questions. Seems pretty straight forward. However, the way the…
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I spent the day in silence. I remember the first time I attended a silent retreat my husband was confused and wanted further clarification around the idea that I was paying money to sit in silence, on zoom, in our guest room. I nodded, while he smiled, shook his head and went outside to blow…
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